Thursday, March 8, 2012

An Initial CA Grassroots Strategy for Rick to Win CA in the Primary

Given the encouraging Mar. 8 Los Angeles Times article showing Rick at 22 and Mitt at 28, Rick is in striking distance to win CA.

Five strategic-related thoughts:

1.) EAST-WEST: The eastern part of California generally tends to vote more conservative than the Bay Area and coastal areas.  I'm not sure if the strategists in Rick's campaign know this.

Our first CA grassroots strategy, then, should be two-pronged: (1) Concentrate GOTV in the east CA while (2) maintaining a holding pattern in west CA where Mitt will most likely unleash his money-machine on TV.

If an analysis of votes by county in OH and MI are lessons, then we need to take seriously how Rick took most of the counties while Romney took the metropolitan counties. Let's learn from the 3% issue in OH & MI.

Also, take a look at votes by county for Prop 8.  The same pattern emerged.  For example, in the SF Bay Area, all Bay Area counties against Prop 8 (EXCEPT Solano County which is predominately Democrat).  Prop 8 tended to pass in non-coastal counties.

2.) SOUTH-NORTH: If I'm not mistaken, most GOP congressional districts are in So. Cal.  The Sacramento County areas in Nor. Cal. tend to be more conservative.

Thus, if we look to Nor. Cal, then Sacramento would be a more ideal area to concentrate firepower and resources.  I also believe we have CA grassroots coordinators on the ground in those areas which would be a good case for a N. CA base and/or headquarters in that area.  Sacramento State or the Capitol Building might be a good place to plant seeds for a possible Rick visit. 

In So. Cal, Republican stronghold Orange County might prove more effective than Los Angeles although I am not implying Rick shouldn't speak in Los Angeles.  (It would send a bad message if Rick didn't speak in CA.)

3.) ENDORSEMENTS: Along with trying to get conservative CA elected officials to endorse Rick, is there any way to concentrate a mobilized effort with the California Republican Assembly (CRA)?  CRA is different from the California Republican Party (CRP), and CRA is Reagan-Conservative.  Can we solicit endorsements en masse from them?  It will send a message to the rest of CA.  I'm willing to spend time on this, but I need funds for mailing and printing.

Also, are there conservative CA Latino (and Asian) political organizations to consider going in to this for endorsements?

4.) MEDIA BLITZ: Between May 23 thru June 5, have Bloggers for Rick Santorum and others willing to write blitz major CA newspapers with pro-Santorum articles, letters to the editor, and comments for online readers.

5.) TIMING: Be aware of the timing between primaries/caucuses.  CA's primary is set for June 5.  That gives us three more months.  Other states voting that day are MT, NJ, NM, and SD.  Between May 23 thru June 5 -- a two week period -- grassroots callers from around the country should blitz CA with calls.  Also, the point is that during those two weeks Rick Santorum may be in California and we should be on hand and available.  Don't make any other commitments -- or at least minimize your commitments -- during those two weeks.

Just a word of encouragement by the numbers, TX and CA are super-rich with delegates.  Last poll I read re: TX Rick was leading in TX.  CA is where Rick will strike gold!


Thank you, grassroots leadership in CA, for all your hard work for Santorum.


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