Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Voted for Rick Santorum; Note on Rick as VP Pick

Yesterday, I voted for Rick Santorum in the primaries.  I wasn't planning to do that, until I saw a politically-savvy friend of mine do that.  And he told everyone about it.

So I did, too.

On a different note, I wanted to blog about the great good it would do for Rick to be the VP pick.  But I am off the campaign trail.

Let's just say for now that if he becomes the VP pick, I would definitely come back to the campaign trail and light some fires for a Romney-Santorum 2012 ticket.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jan. 15, 2012 - April 10, 2012

Along with Rick Santorum, I am suspending my grassroots involvement.

Thank you everyone!

I still need to blog about meeting Rick Santorum.


Dear friends, today is a sad day for me with Rick suspending his campaign. But I am optimistic about Rick Santorum's future, whether in 2016 (or 2020), and the time from now until his next campaign for President.

I met Rick recently, shook his hand, and looked in to his eyes. I plan to blog about all this later, but certain family matters that were unfortunately neglected during the campaign need my attention at the moment. This includes some much-needed rest time away from the grassroots campaign. I have also discerned that I cannot get as involved with the other GOP candidates' campaigns as I did with Rick Santorum's campaign.

However, while my activity in the presidential election of 2012 may be significantly less now, I encourage you to continue to lay more foundations and grow the infrastructure for Rick's return some day. You were all a great team! And I encourage you to do all you can to unseat the current claimant to the Oval Office this November and his socialist-communists allies who have infiltrated our Congress.

I want to in particular thank my many fellow grassroots volunteers as well as the grassroots leadership who coordinated our political firepower into a unified grassroots campaign. I am heartened by the future of the United States, even with all her many faults, and have considered you all to be the saints predicted in the Scriptures at the end of time who will combat against the Evil One's final battle with God in the final days before Christ's second return. Remember, we are fighting FROM victory, not FOR victory.

So I close for now with Shakespeare's paraphrased words: "Let he who has shed his blood with my today be my brother." You are all my brothers and sisters who have shed blood, sweat and tears, with me in combat. Thank you all!

God bless you all, and may the Mother of Jesus protect you and yours and the United States of America.

Rick Santorum for President!

I Met Rick Santorum

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"The Race is Far From Over"

Today, Wisconsin votes.

I don't normally post articles here, but I will on this one by Quin Hillyer.

I found it exciting and an excellent analysis.

Click HERE for the article.

Hillyer demonstrated how a convention of duly elected delegates could nominate Rick Santorum.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Photo of the Day

A Strategy to Re-Take the Catholic Vote (in Louisiana First, Then in the Nation)

We need to push the envelope a little more in Louisiana, more specifically with the Catholic vote.

A Santorum beachhead for the Catholic vote is ideal in Louisiana.

In OH, state data showed that Mitt took some 40-ish% of Catholics, while Rick took a 30-ish% range.  (I'm not sure if Newt was a variable in this.)  I believe OH data reflected a national Catholic voting pattern.

A campaign objective, then, would be to reverse this trend beginning in Louisiana.

*Consider the following:

1.) 1 out of 4 LA residents are Catholic (at least in name).  
2.) LA ranks 12th in the Nation for the highest percentage of Catholics per state.
3.) Among the top 25 states with the highest percentage of Catholics per state, only 2 are Southern States: Louisiana and Texas (if TX can be considered a Southern state).
4.) Over half of the top 10 states with the highest percentage of Catholics per state are predominately New England states that have upcoming primaries.  Louisiana Catholics have a chance to lead the way for fellow Catholic voters in the North.

If Catholics vote for Rick over Mitt in LA, then this would break the Catholic voting trend currently favoring Mitt which the media is so fond to report.

It would be one less victory for Mitt and another bragging right for Rick.  The victory would also be psychological and headline-worthy.

LA would be ideal to show that Santorum won't write off the Catholic vote and will actually fight for it.  Polls show Rick in a comfortable lead in LA, so we can afford this effort.

Lead the way, Pelican State!  WE PICK RICK!


*Source: 2007 Our Sunday Visitor's Catholic Almanac
Primary Source: The Official Catholic Directory, 2006; figures are as of January 1, 2006.

Highest percentage of Catholics per state population.
Ranking Percentage of Catholics per State population State
Number of Catholics
1 59.2% Rhode Island  640,274
2 42.7% Massachusetts  4,865,216
3 41.1% New Jersey  3,605,265
4 38.7% Connecticut  1,357,992
5 37.6% New York  7,433,366
6 29.9% Illinois  3,867,102
7 29.4% Pennsylvania  3,614,694
8 29.2% Texas  6,742,690
9 29.0% Wisconsin  1,605,155
10 28.8% California  10,906,992
11 27.7% Nevada  661,300
12 26.1% Louisiana - 2005 total 816,260
13 24.0% New Hampshire  314,471
14 22.2% North Dakota  145,789
15 21.9% Washington, D.C.  575,824
16 21.5% Minnesota  1,093,533
17 21.4% New Mexico  494,449
18 21.4% Nebraska  375,808
19 20.5% Michigan  2,064,103
20 20.5% South Dakota  154,435
21 19.0% Vermont  118,000
22 18.5% Ohio  2,128,619
23 18.3% Delaware  230,000
24 17.1% Iowa  494,698
25 16.9% Maryland  517,679
26 15.7% Arizona  908,123
27 15.1% Kansas  406,916
28 15.1% Maine  193,228
29 14.7% Missouri  835,581
30 14.7% Colorado  666,213
31 12.7% Florida  2,265,450
32 12.3% Indiana  767,349
33 12.1% Oregon  432,170
34 12.1% Montana  110,409
35 12.0% Washington State  745,614
36 11.3% Hawaii  143,240
37 10.4% Idaho  148,100
38 9.7% Kentucky  387,062
39 9.7% Wyoming   49,121
40 8.7% Alaska  55,643
41 8.3% Utah  200,000
42 8.1% Virginia  620,399
43 5.1% Georgia  441,749
44 4.6% Oklahoma  160,878
45 4.6% West Virginia  82,749
46 4.0% Mississippi  117,942
47 3.9% North Carolina  336,738
48 3.9% Arkansas  107,524
49 3.7% South Carolina  157,450
50 3.4% Alabama  153,939
51 3.2% Tennessee  190,684

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Top Ten: After One Month

Popular Posts

State of the Blog: The First Month

One month after this blog started I'm still here.  For the record, this is the readership log for the past month. There was a notable higher readership when I drafted a blog particularly after the AZ debate.

I've log in 27 blogs, an average of a little less than 1 per day.

There were a total of 477 page views which I note as of today.  This is an average of 16 page views per day.

And here is the count by U.S. states.  Perhaps the most important part of this snapshot, as of today, are the hits from CA and TX which have upcoming primaries.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

If Rick Wins PR, the Mainland USA Would Respect PR for Statehood Even More

Think about that. 

As misconstrued and twisted as Rick's words on English in Puerto Rico were in the press, if PR gives Rick Santorum their delegates, then I hypothesize that conservative Americans in the mainland won't feel threatened by their fellow 4 million U.S. citizens in PR to be Number 51 in the Union. 

Conservative Americans would see that PR respects English.  As a consequence, fair-minded conservatives would make the case for statehood.

Just as with Guam, PR, this is your moment to shine.  Overcome this please!  If you vote for Mitt in the primaries, you will have blown your chances for earning the trust of a significant group of Americans in the mainland. 

Put yourself in their shoes for the moment.  If conservatives heard that PR voted for Rick even after that comment -- and by the way, Rick didn't say English should be the only language, he said it should be the primary language -- it will send a powerful signal that PR is ready.

Piesen uds.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

3 Rebuttals to 3 Anti-Santorum English Language Comment on Puerto Rico

Anti-Santorum Argument #1:  Hawaii and New Mexico were admitted into the Union without an English-as-a-primary language requirement.

Pro-Santorum Rebuttal to Argument #1: When HI joined the USA in 1950 (over 60 years ago) and NM in 1912 (100 years ago), there were no socialist-motivated language controversies the way we have them today. 

Rick's remarks were prudent to make in a 21st Century America divided by socialism.

* * *

Anti-Santorum Argument #2: Santorum said this about English in PR to solidify his base.

Pro-Santorum Rebuttal to Argument #2: No.  Santorum said this as a matter of principle, not for political gain.  The fact that he said this demonstrated concrete leadership on how to admit PR as the 51 state. 

Rick unites the multilingual People of the United States through the one medium of English.  United We Stand.

(Mitt, on the other hand, seems to talk about the English issue depending on what language his audience speaks.)

* * *

Anti-Santorum Argument #3: The U.S. Constitution does not require English for admission in to the Union.

Pro-Santorum Rebuttal to Argument #3: So what?  This is irrelevant to the debate.  Santorum's remarks were prudent for a President (to be) to make as the statehood petition is debated before the U.S. Congress.

Viva Rick Santorum!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Educator of the Day Award: Donna Garner

For her witty Tea Party-ish comment for Rick Santorum, it is with great pleasure that I bestow Mr. P.'s  Educator of the Day Award to veteran educator, Donna Garner.

Follow her website HERE.



For the Record: A Sample of a Santorum Supporter Debating with a Ron Paul Supporter or a Libertarian


Pro-Santorum argument is highlighted for better reading.
The truth about Rick Santorum's conservative credentials. Learn more about a true Constitutional conservative, Ron Paul, here:
· · · March 11 at 11:56pm ·

      Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Ron Paul Pro-Life? Really? Here's Rick Santorum rebutting the libertarian Ron Paul's pro-life credentials:
      Since ron paul had the audacity to run attack ads against Rick Santorum as bei...See More
      Monday at 1:30am · ·
      James Aron Mangun Ron Paul is all for freedom of choice and reduction of big I dont mind if Ron Paul is pro abortion since he respects the rights of everyone

      Your buddy Santorum on the other hand, is for nig government, and taking away individual rights...thats why even his fellow Republicans hate him
      Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Ron is a Libertarian, not a Republican. Ron Paul doesn't fight the pro-abortion establishment, he's open to gay unions, he's pro-legalized-prostitution, pro-legalized-drugs, under the guise of us needing to legitimately protect the Constitution. Sounds like a Silly Sixties Liberal isolationist! On the other hand, fellow Republicans seem to be asking that Santorum be the conservative alternate to Obama last I checked delegates and states he won. Ron has been running for President for a long time, and he still hasn't won at least 1 of the 25+ states that have voted thus far. Rick Santorum has been endorsed by the pro-woman Susan B. Anthony List. We urge you to re-consider your vote, James. WE PICK RICK!
      Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Ron Paul is a Libertarian, not a real Republican. Wrong Paul is pro-abortion, pro-gay-unions, pro-legalized-prostitution, pro-legalized marijuana, and pro-moral-relativist. Sounds like a Silly Sixties Liberal!!! Rick stands for traditional family values and has a plan to address the Obama Recession.
    • James Aron Mangun Yeah pick Rick.......the biggest PRICK!!!!!

      Rick Santorum is for killing and making homosexuality illegal, forced conversions of people to Catholicism, anti-choice and anti-woman, claims to be a conservative yet he is for big government and sending billions of dollars of taxpayer money to dicks like Kim Jong Il and Mubarak and government overspending while violating constitutional rights

      Oh I dont care cause you dont pay taxes hahahaha...your another recipient of the welfare system that Santorum supports
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Now, now, James, name-calling is a sign that one cannot put a coherent argument together. No need for it, let's be civil please. Re: your points, Rick is not for killing and making gay unions illegal but not making them legal-- there's a difference. He does not want to force convert people to Catholicism but wants to defends the First Amendment. Why is it that when Rick is sincere about his faith one thinks Rick is a theocratist..he's not. Yes, Rick is pro-life, and many women support him, articulates an economic vision that isn't socialist, and puts tyrants around the world on notice that they cannot abuse their people. Romneycare is Obamacare, and Rick wants to repeal Obamacare. I encourage you not to support the Libertarian Ron Paul and to look in to why those moral issues you describe are not American.
    • James Aron Mangun And where is this "economic" vision that Rick has outlined LOL

      Rick, unlike Newt and the others have never outlined ANY plans on how to save the economy and get us out of the recession.....except propose killing homosexuals who he blames everything for

      Notice how he only talks about moral issues yet never abvout important issues such as the economy and foreign policy...thats cause he has NOTHING to offer

      Too bad moral issues dont feed people
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum James, you're a devout Libertarian. THat's why you support Ron Paul. it makes sense. You're also Filipino-American, but Fil-Am's tend to be pro-family. It seems that you have a problem with Rick b/c he challenges your morality, esp. on sex? Is this correct? Does Rick really challenge your conscience? I think deep down you know that he's correct.
    • James Aron Mangun Yes I am a Libertarian...just like our Founding Fathers who envsioned a countrywith a limited government and where people can enjoy their rights......which was why the United Statees was founded

      I have a problem with Rick because

      a) He's a bonafidde Flip-Floppper who cant make a choice on several issues

      b) He is a faux fiscal conservative who supports big government

      c) He wants to take away human rights in the name oif religion

      d) The same shit all over again....waste more taxpayer money
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum James, re: your "economic" point, here are 10 of them from Rick Santorum on energy, manufacturing, pro-family tax laws, job creation, anti-socialist policies-a-Obama, repealing Obamacare, just to name a few:
      ‎1)   UNLEASH AMERICA’S ENERGY: I’ll approve the Keystone Pipeline for jobs and ...See More
      Tuesday at 1:00pm · ·
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum James, I can't seem to open your last post about your being a Libertarian. Can you please re-post for my rebuttal? Thanks!
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum First, the Founders were not libertarian. They were Protestant Christian with many Deists, yet they had a correct vision that human rights come from the Creator, not the State, as we see in the Declaration of Independence.
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum re: your points: a.) What issues do you refer? b) Rick wants a federal balanced budget amendment. Also, compared to socialist-communist Obama, Rick is fiscal boy scout. Obama is the real issue of this campaign. Obama said that he if can fix the economy in 4 year then he should be a one-term President c) no, not true, human rights come from the Creator. This is unique in America, which is not the case in Europe. If the State gives rights, then in principle it can manipulate those rights. If rights come from the Creator, then nobody can take them away. Also, human rights are not the same as special rights. d.) You support Obama, and you're saying this to a cut-taxes Republican group like this? WE PICK RICK!!!
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Hello, James, are you still there?
      23 hours ago ·
    • James Aron Mangun Yes sorry I have been out since I have a thing called a JOB...unlike you and your friends in the USA who hate America for being too immoral and too liberal yet you live there and bum off welfare and send it back to your relatives in Asia's only nation chosen by God(Da Pelepeens)
      23 hours ago ·
    • James Aron Mangun ‎"You're also Filipino-American, but Fil-Am's tend to be pro-family. "

      Im half of both(though mostly white).Any problems???Do I have to believe what majority of Filipinos do because my other half is Pinoy??
      Taking out the race card again, just like most retarded Pinoy Prayders hahahaha
      23 hours ago ·
    • James Aron Mangun You just hate Ron Paul cause hes gonna put an end to the Welfare State and stop granting free Visas to illegals in the US...not to mention he will stop giving foreign aid to ingrate countries who hate the US
      23 hours ago ·
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Yes, the Republic of the Philippines is blessed by God. I have a life, too, but I also believe that Rick Santorum is the best alternative to the Socialist Obama's who natural birth certificate we can't even verify and have reasonable cause to believe it's been forged. Hey, you decided to post here, so we are replying to your comments. Can't we all just get along? Can't we just agree to disagree? You know, I teach philosophy; if you'd like you and I can talk about your agnostic position offline. I'm not sure this conversation is going to change your mind, but we're leaving it here to show people how to debate with error and to do it with love. Also, "hate" is such as strong word. THere are good things in America...she just needs to rectify some unjust laws. Aren't you of Filipino descent...I'm not sure why you made that last line. Now, to return to why Santorum is the better choice over the libertarian Wrong Paul, why do you support an isolationist candidate? America is a good ally for the Philippines, you know, esp. to fight Communism.
      23 hours ago ·
    • James Aron Mangun ‎"Yes, the Republic of the Philippines is blessed by God"

      Really?????then why is it among the poorest in the world...not to mention has a very high crime rate and low FDI???Blessed by God my arse....get real and quit drinking the Pinoy Prayd Kool-Aid
      23 hours ago ·
    • James Aron Mangun ‎"America is a good ally for the Philippines, you know, esp. to fight Communism."

      LOLZ that was the funniest comment ever. You must be stuck in the 80's pal.....The world hasnt been fighting communism since 1991 :) The world has been fightingt terrorism and they aren't communists ^____^
      23 hours ago · · 1
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Hello?? Well, I'm going to sleep soon. Good night, James. I hope to talk to you later.
      23 hours ago ·
    • James Aron Mangun ‎"Wrong Paul, why do you support an isolationist candidate?"

      Because my homeland hasnt been getting anything from supporting these countries. Tell me, what has the United States getting from granting billions of dollars of aid to countries like the PH who HATE America......having their embassy get thrown rocks at???????or having a military adviser assassinated???

      The only beneficiaries of foreign aid are the rich, the oligarchs and corrupt politicians of these countries..who cant do scat about their countries' Turd World conditions

      I say STOP THE AID when there are probs at home
      23 hours ago · · 1
    • Megan Paulbot Fermo THANK YOU, James.
      23 hours ago · · 1
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Re: Philippine poverty, b/c she has served three colonial masters and is learning to be a great independent Nation, the first of which was EDSA in 1986. She taught the world how a country inspired by Christian ideals and social teaching can win a bloodless revolution. Secondly, moral depravity in the country needs to cease, esp. corruption, internally. Third, the Philippine-American alliance has promoted freedom in the Pacific since WWII.
      5 hours ago ·
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Re: Communism, you as Ron Paul supporter of all people know that socialism/communism are still alive, my friend. Look at China in the Philippine back yard, where there are many human rights abuses. According to Ron Paul, America should not rectify those abuses. Isn't that argument a bit selfish?
      5 hours ago ·
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum For foreign aid in the Philippines, the abuses of monetary assistance to fight the socialist/communist/terrorists in the homeland does not imply an isolationist position-a-la-Ron Paul. There are people in the Philippines who love America and the freedom she promotes around the world (that isn;t immoral). Rick has more foreign policy experience than Ron Paul.
      5 hours ago ·
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum James and Megan, are you registered Republicans?
      5 hours ago ·
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum What does ROn Paul want to do about the human rights abuses in the world?
      5 hours ago ·
    • Filipino Americans for Rick Santorum Well, James, my Kaibigan (spirit of friendship), we have to unfortunately move on from this thread into other strategic areas of the campaign to help Rick win the nomination. As I study Ron Paul more, I see that Ron's become a red herring in this picture. My final thoughts for you and other Ron Paul followers are as follows, and I provide the source of the quote below. All the best to you, James. Here it is: "As Ron Paul has done for a few decades now, he has brought a lot of tenacity to the political debate during this race. He has raised some very important issues, especially those concerning monetary policy and the economy. But after losing 27 states in a row and not having a single win, it is clear that he is only in the race at this point as a protest factor. He will collect a few more delegates to add to the handful he has collected along the way, and try to make as much of a stir as he may at the convention. But it will fall well short of the promised “revolution” his die hard supporters have been awaiting." WE PICK RICK!
          On Tuesday night the conservative electorate made a resounding and clear sta...See More
      about a minute ago · ·