Dear friends, today is a sad day for me with Rick suspending his campaign. But I am optimistic about Rick Santorum's future, whether in 2016 (or 2020), and the time from now until his next campaign for President.
I met Rick recently, shook his hand, and looked in to his eyes. I plan to blog about all this later, but certain family matters that were unfortunately neglected during the campaign need my attention at the moment. This includes some much-needed rest time away from the grassroots campaign. I have also discerned that I cannot get as involved with the other GOP candidates' campaigns as I did with Rick Santorum's campaign.
However, while my activity in the presidential election of 2012 may be significantly less now, I encourage you to continue to lay more foundations and grow the infrastructure for Rick's return some day. You were all a great team! And I encourage you to do all you can to unseat the current claimant to the Oval Office this November and his socialist-communists allies who have infiltrated our Congress.
I want to in particular thank my many fellow grassroots volunteers as well as the grassroots leadership who coordinated our political firepower into a unified grassroots campaign. I am heartened by the future of the United States, even with all her many faults, and have considered you all to be the saints predicted in the Scriptures at the end of time who will combat against the Evil One's final battle with God in the final days before Christ's second return. Remember, we are fighting FROM victory, not FOR victory.
So I close for now with Shakespeare's paraphrased words: "Let he who has shed his blood with my today be my brother." You are all my brothers and sisters who have shed blood, sweat and tears, with me in combat. Thank you all!
God bless you all, and may the Mother of Jesus protect you and yours and the United States of America.
Rick Santorum for President!

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